Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Dad, I haven't made any rolls yet.

This is my Dad, Larry (I will protect his identity by not publishing his last name). He lives about 20 minutes from me. It's been nice to live so close to him now. He stops by whenever it strikes his fancy, and if he knows I'm baking. He is semi-retired. I won't get into that. I will just say-he is too young and healthy to be a real retired person. He's been working again, and I haven't seen or talked to him since Halloween. He called me today asking if I've made rolls for Thanksgiving yet, because he just read this blog, and saw the pictures of the rolls yesterday. If I had made the rolls, he would have been to my house in 15 minutes, because he speeds. And because he likes my rolls, and chocolate chip cookies. I told him I make them on Thanksgiving Day. He knows this. He used to have Red Hair. This is who Mason got his Red Hair from, amongst other things (like his temperment, but I won't say that). Blogging people, meet my Dad. Love You Dad!

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