We live in a county where there are more pumpkin patches than Starbucks....well, maybe. There were
allot to choose from, so we went to the one closest to our house, only 3-4 minutes away. Little did I know, this was the Mother Lode of pumpkin patches.

These medium sized beauties were some of the first ones we saw, that were in a bin. They are French Pumpkins, and they are more reddish than what is on the screen. They are sort of ugly-and go figure, they boys really wanted to get one for
thier Dad. It didn't happen.

One of the few pictures of my boys together, where they are actually smiling, and looking like they are glad to be brothers.

At the pumpkin patch, they had a snack bar. They had hot dogs, sticky buns, ice cream, and corn on the cob on a stick. We all had a corn on the cob. This is proof that Mason does eat. He devoured this thing (he won't eat corn-not on the cob), and was looking to finish off mine and Mac's. I was done with mine, and Mac-of course, inhales his food.

There was a Corn Maze! Mac and Mason both wanted to go inside and go through it. We did. The design this year-A Donkey and A Elephant with an American Flag intertwined into it. Even farms get into the political spirit. Anyways, Mac wanted to "run" the maze. That didn't happen either. Mom's have a way of sucking all of the fun out of things. The maze was muddy, and slippery, and I could see a trip into the Emergency Room in my future. I try to keep our E.R.
visits to one child a month-not one a piece.

The Pumpkin Patch had wheel barrows and clippers, to cut your pumpkins off the vines. Mac had the pleasure of wheeling the pumpkins around, and clipping the vines off the pumpkins. Mac was happy to do both.

Mason searching for his pumpkin, it doesn't take him long. He wanted a really big one, but I reminded him, that he had to clean it out by himself this year. He then chose a really, really small one, and then I told him I would help him a bit, so he went for a bigger one again.

This should have been one of the first pictures, but it wasn't. This is a "Pumpkin Cannon" that shoots pumpkins out of it for a small fee. There were 2 of them-one for big pumpkins, the other for smaller ones. This was one of the first things the boys saw when we got out of our car, and they would have been perfectly content standing there, watching these things go off. I told them that we would go back just to do this. And that they needed to bring
their Dad. Lee was working. He has tryed to avoid things like this the last 2 years, because he's tired, and old. But when we told him all the fun we had, I could tell he regretted it. But that was okay, because this is going to be a new fall tradition with our family. I asked the boys of they had fun, and they both responded YES!
1 comment:
I would have loved to have seen that pumpkin cannon. I've seen a potato gun and that is pretty cool, but to shoot a pumpkin must be awesome! Oh, I also tagged you. Check out my latest post.
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