Thursday, October 9, 2008

How to Slow Your Life Down

The month of September and the beginning of October, my family has been plagued with some bronchitis stuff. Mac went to school for 3 days and then was home from school for 5. Mason had been out of school for 2 weeks, and just went back this week. That apparently wasn't good enough, so I then started getting sick last week. It started with a low grade fever (check) and then a little cough (check, check), and then a full blown stop you in your tracks coughing attacks. I have been high functioning for someone who is sick. My fever during the day hovered around 98-100 degrees. I would start "crashing" around 6:00-7:00pm. Dinner would be made, laundry would get done (but not put away necessarily). Mac would ask "so do I have any clean pants?" I would respond: "Yes, they are on the couch. All clothes on the couch are clean. If you would like to fold them for me, knock yourself out." So, he started folding the clothes. There were probably a good 3 loads on the couch. He was 10 minutes into the folding when he pipes up and says "Mom, this kinda sucks." Yes, and yet, this is something I do all the time.
I rarely get any sympathy when I am sick. The only time Lee takes me seriously is when I have a fever of 102 or more and I am wearing my sweats and a wool sweater, with 3 blankets on me to bed. He told me "You can't get sick, it's just inconvienent". Inconvienent for who? Me? You? Our children? I didn't go there.
I have 2 very sweet Visiting Teachers who have very, very young children-and each have a baby under 6 months of age. They would call me, and I would beg them not to come, in fear of infecting them and thier families, mostly the little babies. It would kill me to think that they got this terrible virus because thier Mommy's dropped off a meal to us. I reassured them, we were fine in the food area, and that I managed to get things done during the day.
Mac still has Football 3 days a week, and Scouts/Mutual on Wednesdays-so I was out driving around 4 days a week, and trying to cheer Mac on at his Football Game on Saturday. I went promising myself I was only going to watch, that didn't work. I would yell or cheer them on, following a cough attack, chased down with 2 cough drops. I did come home that day, got my sweats on, and crashed. That was nice.
I attempted to type up a post during all of this, but then after I typed it, I read it back to myself, and it sounded like I was whining, which, I was. So, I deleted about 3 posts during last week, all to spare you of what was going on in my household. So, I posted what I was doing on Facebook. A little blurb about "what are you doing". I would like to take this time to thank my friends who read this blog, and who also commented on my status on Facebook. That little bit of support meant alot to me.
I am gradually getting better. My fever is almost gone (97.8 this morning), I can talk this morning (which most mornings, I would almost lose my voice), and I can talk without coughing. I see a light at the end of my dark tunnel.


32 Flavors said...

I'm proud of you for not going there with Lee. I so would have. The world stops when everyone else is sick. But when Mom is sick, oh noooo. I'll stop there. I wish you are your family a happy cold & flu season! :)

Jessica Chalmers said...

I hope that you are feeling better! Being sick sucks! Make Mac do laundry more ofter!! :)

Jessica Chalmers said...

P.S. Where are your pictures of the new paint job in the bathroom?

An Ordinary Mom said...

I am sorry you have been so sick, Hope! Being a mom and being sick just should not be allowed.

I hope you get back up to speed soon.

And just so you know, feel free to whine on your blog ... we are all here to help cheer you up :) !!

Hope said...

Jess- My paint job needs one more coat before I post any pics. It took forever for the paint to dry, and needed to put the bathroom back together again before your brother came home. He appreciated the yellow being gone.