Well, as you can see, I finally go this picture thing on the blog figured out. This is the camera that I chose. I needed something that was bigger than my phone, and I didn't care if it was pink, blue, or purple. I can hold onto it and take a picture-without dropping it. It has some cool features on it, but not so many that I won't use them. After I whinned (yes, I really did whine) and nagged (yes, I did this too) to my husband, about my camera or lack of camera situation-he told me to get online and pic one out. I got online and printed it out and left it where I knew he would see it. Hints don't work with him, seriously. He looked at it and said "this is what you want?" I said yes. And the next day-there is was. I thought "this is what happens when I whine and nag? Wow!" I never whine (I can't stand those who do) and I rarely nag (because I met several of Lee's former clients who really nag, and decided that I wouldn't do this). But, the irony of it all.......Lee had this little gem in his "Electrical Tote from Hell". Yes, I cursed. Because that is EXACTLY what it is. This is last year's model. He bought it, used it a little, and then didn't like it. So, he kept it. He thought when I was asking him for a digital camera, he thought I wanted a pretty pink one. I continue to suprise him, and after 17 years of marriage he still can't get through his head, that my needs are more simpler than he thinks.
Oh, FYI: The whining and nagging where fueled after a really long, sad, exhausting day. I drove to Ellensburg, with the boys (and my Dad) to my Grandma's funeral. I was emotionally spent by the time I got to talking about the camera.
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