On Labor Day weekend, we took the boys and thier Motorcycles and went to Grandma and Pa Bryant's house. They live on 5 acres, and on those 5 acres is where anyone who owns a "bike" goes to ride. The pic above are the Bryant Men, or some of them, (from R to L) Pa (Lee's Dad), Lee, and the second to the youngest of the family-Calvin. Lee is really a little taller than what is in the picture, he is leaning against his trailer and slouching. But for the record, all of his younger brothers are taller than him. Lee, Calvin, Wes, and Pa-are all at Montana, as I type this.

Mason and Uncle Wes on Mason's Motorcycle. Mason's "bike" is the smallest one you can buy, and he has no interest in it this year. But his Dad and Uncles has all sorts of interest in it. I didn't get any real pictures of it, but there was nothing funnier than adult size guys on a little thing of a Motorcycle. I'll get a picture of them, sometime, maybe. I think Mason will be riding this thing all year next year, it just goes to fast for him right now. For those of you who know Mason, I know-that's hard to believe.

Mac on his Motorcycle at Grandma and Pa Bryant's house. He wanted me to take a bunch of pictures of him riding, but, being that I had my camera for all of 3 hours and I wasn't familiar with it yet, this is all I could get. Lee and I left the boys, for 1 night (we spent the first night there). According to Grandma-he rode from sun up, until sun down. When I came to pick them up, they were both upset with me, asking me what I was doing there. It's nice to know that I'm loved.
1 comment:
Yeah, Pictures!!!!!!!!! It is so nice to see some of my family from across the country! Thanks!! They are awesome!
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