Mac had a Football game on Saturday. They won 20-6. Was the team happy? Yes! They have played 3 games, and this was game #4. They lost the first 3 games by 1-2 points, the last few minutes of the last quarter. It was also thier Coach's Birthday-what a great present.

Mason lost his first tooth Saturday afternoon. When it was first loose, he told me we needed to go see his dentist to make sure this whole losing teeth thing was okay. I explained a million times to him that everything was okay, and that a bigger tooth was coming. He has been sick with a bad cough and a fever for the last week. This was as good as this picture was going to get. We forgot to put the tooth under his pillow for the Tooth Fairy to come-so we did this Sunday night. He got a $1 bill. He was very excited. And being that he was sick and not feeling well.........
Mason and I decided to take a trip to Childrens Hospital Sunday morning. He was wheezing pretty bad. I was giving him breathing treatments at home, but it wasn't working.

They took a chest X-Ray of him and his lungs were clear, compared to the last chest X-Ray he had in 2006. There were 4 girls in Radiology-and he talked to all of them. He was VERY cooperative with them, and they felt because he was so good (and because they liked his Red hair) that he deserved a toy, he chose a Nerf Football. The 4 Girls also let Mason look at his "Scarry Bones" (Skelelton) on the computer screen. That was one of the highlights of his day. Everything on his X-Ray looked great, he just sounded like crap. Yes, I am using a bad word again. I think being that I haven't really slept in 5-6 nights, I'm entitled to use some bad language and drink as much Coke as I want.
More Highlights with out the pics....
-Dad came home Friday afternoon from Montana!
-Mac went on a Camp out with his Boy Scout troop Friday night before his Saturday game.
-Dad and Mac went Dirt Biking with Uncle Calvin and Wes. Enough said.
-I baked Cookies and Rolls Sunday afternoon after Mason and I got home from our "field trip".
1 comment:
I can't get over how big the boys are getting. I am glad to hear tha Mason is doing better, but still sorry he had to go to Children's.
Miss you!!!
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