Monday, September 15, 2008

Did you know?

Mason and I drove Mac to school today (he was sick last week, and still has a cough). This was a conversation Mason and I had.

Mason: Mom, I want some Hot Cocoa when we get home.
Me: Okay.
Mason: With Marshmellows.
Me: Do we have any left? You were eating them yesterday.
Mason: No. I eat them all gone.
Me: You did!
Mason: Yep. Because they are good for my heart.
Me: Marshmellows are good for your heart?
Mason: Yes, so I ate them all gone.

So, for all of you who have heart problems, buy a bag of Marshmellows-and eat them all gone.

Because Mac was sick all week last week, Mason now has what Mac had.


Ice Cream said...

But, shhhhhh, please don't tell my kids. I have a hard enough time getting them to leave the marshmallows alone long enough to make rice crispie treats. =)

Hope said...

I had this particular bag hidden away, behind the flour for about a month. I rearranged my "pantry" and he found them. They don't last longer than 2 hours once they have hit the kitchen counter.