Lee and I met 18 years ago this month. When Lee and I were dating Calvin and Wes were 2 & 3 or 4 years old. One of them was still in diapers-and I like to remind them of this. Calvin always jumps to his own defense "it wasn't me, it was Wes". Lee and I were talking to Wes a few weeks ago, and he doesn't remember when Lee and I got married. He was so young. They were under 10 years old when Mac was born. They have worked with Lee alot through High School, and people think that they are Lee's son's. They are fun Uncles, who can always be talked into playing X-box, riding Dirt Bikes, or baby sit for a few hours.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Calvin and Wesley
Lee and I met 18 years ago this month. When Lee and I were dating Calvin and Wes were 2 & 3 or 4 years old. One of them was still in diapers-and I like to remind them of this. Calvin always jumps to his own defense "it wasn't me, it was Wes". Lee and I were talking to Wes a few weeks ago, and he doesn't remember when Lee and I got married. He was so young. They were under 10 years old when Mac was born. They have worked with Lee alot through High School, and people think that they are Lee's son's. They are fun Uncles, who can always be talked into playing X-box, riding Dirt Bikes, or baby sit for a few hours.
Highlights of the Weekend
Mason and I decided to take a trip to Childrens Hospital Sunday morning. He was wheezing pretty bad. I was giving him breathing treatments at home, but it wasn't working.
More Highlights with out the pics....
-Dad came home Friday afternoon from Montana!
-Mac went on a Camp out with his Boy Scout troop Friday night before his Saturday game.
-Dad and Mac went Dirt Biking with Uncle Calvin and Wes. Enough said.
-I baked Cookies and Rolls Sunday afternoon after Mason and I got home from our "field trip".
-I baked Cookies and Rolls Sunday afternoon after Mason and I got home from our "field trip".
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Someone Misses his Dad....
Mason thinks that when his Dad is gone, somewhere overnight, that he has to sleep with me in "Dad's Spot". Mason isn't used to his Dad being gone so long. He was too young to remember the last time Lee went to Montana, or the times he worked out of town. Mason also has a Calendar that shows when Lee left, and when he comes home. He is crossing off the days himself and counts everyday how many more sleeps until Dad comes home. He thinks that if he doesn't count so many squares, that Dad will come home sooner. Not true. Because of limited cell Phone signal (or none at all)-he can't call as often.
Project update: I'm not getting as much as I wanted done. It's been dewy, wet, and rainy-so the staining of the deck and the rail on the front porch are on hold. The painting of the bathroom is getting done. I'll post that in a couple of days.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
While the Cat's Away......
Things you don't need pictures to see...
5. Weeding the front and back yard. Plant grass on patch in front that was meant for flowers, but decided we don't need flowers there.
6. Steam Clean Carpets and stairs.
7. Relax, sit around and watch Soap Operas and eat Bon Bon's all day, make Hot Dogs and Mac & Cheese for dinner for the rest of the time that the Dad is gone, and do little as possible.
I get a little vacation too.
Lee left for Montana @5:37 am -well it was supposed to be 5:30am sharp, but Sleeping Beauty better known as my husband-slept though his alarm and was woken up by the door bell. He will be gone for 2 weeks. Lee going to Montana has been a tradition for 17 years. He went the first year (less than one month after we were married), and has gone once every few years. He hasn't gone in 3 years-so this was a well deserved vacation for him. Am I angry? Jealous? Absoulutely NOT! It's a "Man" trip with his Dad and brothers, and anyone else who would want to go. They drive for almost 1 1/2 days straight to Montana, sleep the next day, and drive out onto the Praries.......looking for Prarie Dogs to shoot. The Ranchers of Montana LOVE it when guys like them come. Prarie Dogs cause large holes on the Rancher's fields. Fields where they raise cattle. When a cow steps into a hole, they break a leg, and the Rancher loses that head of cattle. Some Ranchers lose alot of head of cattle, which means they lose $Money$. Prairie Dogs are challenging, because they are small and fast. So, Prarie Dog shooting is a sport. I have never had the desire to go, ever. I have seen video footage, and it validated all of the reasons why I have never wanted to go. Dirt, being out in the middle of nowhere, dirt, shooting, being around 4 or more Bryant males, and more dirt. I don't like dirt.
Anyways..........Back to my original subject of this post.
While Lee is away, the above list is a chore list of things I want to do. These are things that I have to do before it starts raining, again. These are things that would disturb the balance of our home, and inconvience some, not naming any names. We will see how much I actually get done.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Did you know?
Mason and I drove Mac to school today (he was sick last week, and still has a cough). This was a conversation Mason and I had.
Mason: Mom, I want some Hot Cocoa when we get home.
Me: Okay.
Mason: With Marshmellows.
Me: Do we have any left? You were eating them yesterday.
Mason: No. I eat them all gone.
Me: You did!
Mason: Yep. Because they are good for my heart.
Me: Marshmellows are good for your heart?
Mason: Yes, so I ate them all gone.
So, for all of you who have heart problems, buy a bag of Marshmellows-and eat them all gone.
Because Mac was sick all week last week, Mason now has what Mac had.
Mason: Mom, I want some Hot Cocoa when we get home.
Me: Okay.
Mason: With Marshmellows.
Me: Do we have any left? You were eating them yesterday.
Mason: No. I eat them all gone.
Me: You did!
Mason: Yep. Because they are good for my heart.
Me: Marshmellows are good for your heart?
Mason: Yes, so I ate them all gone.
So, for all of you who have heart problems, buy a bag of Marshmellows-and eat them all gone.
Because Mac was sick all week last week, Mason now has what Mac had.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
My Camera
Oh, FYI: The whining and nagging where fueled after a really long, sad, exhausting day. I drove to Ellensburg, with the boys (and my Dad) to my Grandma's funeral. I was emotionally spent by the time I got to talking about the camera.
The Bryant Men and thier Motorcycles
First Day of School
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