Saturday, June 27, 2009
1st Day of Summer Break-Downtown Seattle!
My friend Aimee drove over last week from far, far, away (Walla Walla) to Seattle with her kids Jess and Connor. She got her hair done that morning and I took the kids and ventured out to D-Town Seattle for 3 hours. It had been a while since we had seen them and they really grew up this past year (Aimee was saying the same thing about Mac and Mason). We were heading our way to Gameworks, but it was closed until 11:00-noon. So we went to the Convention Center, and a couple of Malls.
Jess is now taller than Mac (they are 7 months apart, he being older). Mac has always been so much bigger than her. Hanging out with them is like being with cousins. For some reason, it doesn't look like she is taller than he is.
This is the 4 of them, in front of some artwork inside the Convention Center. This was a poem that was printed on license plates. It was cooler in person.
This is LUSH, a really cool bath potions store at Westlake Mall in D-Town. This is a sampling of thier soaps. They also had lotion in a bar form (like bar soap) that you apply on your skin and it melts slowly and lotions you. Jess and I LOVED this store...the boys, not so much. So they stayed outside the door until we were done.
Jess looking at the "bath bomb/fountain" things. I had to buy some things there, and Lee saw the LUSH bag and said "You didn't go to LUSH did you?" Hello!! There is a bag there on the kitchen counter! The company he works for built that store, and Lee had to go there to finish some stuff there before it opened a year or so ago. I was shocked he even knew about it.
The kids, running through the big fountain across the street from Westlake. They got a little wet.
The Boys....before we went into the Mall where "nothing interested them".
A piece of art, that was made out of old wooden floor boards. I was looking at it and thought to myself that Lee could make that in less than an hour. This was at the Convention Center...I liked it and is something that I would hang on my wall in my house.
We ventured to the Waterfront (we walked there from 6th Ave). We waited after Aimee was done with her hair appointment. I'm so glad I waited. We ate at Ivars on the Pier, and then took the never ending stairs up to Pike Place Market. I had to take a pick of the crabs. I love crab. We had a great day with our friends, and wish we had more time with them. We wore the kids out, which was good. What a great way to start out our summer vacation!
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