1. I love how you like to "tinker" in the garage and "help" your Dad out when he is outside. Even if it's out in the rain, in your socks.

2. I love how you constantly ask "Where's Mackie" when he is gone on a camp out or overnight somewhere. You two fight alot, but I know you two also love each other.

3. I love how you are "with one with the dirt" when you are outside. Yes, it drives me nuts when I see you literally laying face down on the ground when you are playing. But this is something you love doing-so I let it happen. Unless you are in your church clothes.

4. You love school...and I am so glad! You have one of the best kindergarten teachers in the school district. You go to school everyday on 1/2 days, which is a perfect fit for you. I am so grateful you are smart, bright, and inqusitive. And yes, I cried a little bit after I dropped you off on your first day of school.

5. I love it when you are sleeping. You have always looked like an angel, from the time you were a baby. I love that you are a heavy sleeper, so I can go in your room and kiss you-without you "wiping" off my kisses. Dad loves it when you come into bed with us at 2:00 in the morning every once in a while when you have a bad dream. Just as long as you tuck your little feet under you Dad's back and not mine.

6. You love being at home. When you come home from school, you just want to be home-and not go out anywhere...except the library.

7. I love how you talk. You often times mispronounce words, and have a lisp that makes my heart melt. When you were at Childrens, when you were a tiny baby- the nurses often told me "looking in his eyes, he looks like he has so much to say". You have alot to say, all the time. You let me know what makes you happy, mad, sad, and you giggle when you are really excited about something.
Sorry this post is 2 days late. It took me a few days to gather my thoughts, and not get too emotional. You had such a rough start when you were born. I have been recently been sorting through our family pictures, and when I come across a baby pictures of you-it makes me happy that you have overcome so much. You are now a normal kid, who happens to have a medical chart at Childrens Hospital that is more than 5 inches thick. Looking at you, no one would ever know. You have taught me to have patience and that anything is possible. I am so proud of you!
Happy Birthday Mason!
Peace be with you
Mason can't be 7, he's that little baby I used to push around the cemetery.
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