Monday, December 29, 2008
Keeping our Tradition
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Passing the time..Mason style.
Honestly, it really doesn't take much to entertain Mason. Like these cups for instance. This isn't the first time he has found these cups. Well, the first time it happened-I tossed them. I always toss them because, well, who would want to drink out of them after he has stacked the blasted things everywhere in the house. And, I have serious germ and cleanliness issues.
He really wanted me to drop everything to take pictures of all of this. So I did. And now, I'm blogging about it. The price you pay for me to take pics of you on my camera. There is a 75% chance it will end up on my blog. He was very pleased with himself.
I was in the Kitchen when he built this and told me "Mom! Look at my Castle!" So, I did. Then he told me "No! Now look at it from over here"-as he's pointing to the sliding glass door. This, he has never done before. He stacked 2 rows of this "Castle".
Mason not only stacks these lovely cups, he also counts them. He stacks and counts. Or he will sit down on the couch and count them. He loves to count. Which, I can't complain. But he does drag them all over the house. I draw the line at sleeping with them.
He has also been playing out in the snow, with Mac. It's been cold, snowy (we have had snow for 7-8 days now, and it has stayed for those 7-8 days). It's been icy, cold, snowy and now the wind is blowing-and they are threatning that we may lose our power. So, I cleaned house and did laundry for the better part of the day. I'm super glad that Lee kept the Generator. We were going to put it on Craigslist over he summer, but we never got to it, and Lee also decided to keep it over the winter. And, being that we lived on Whidbey Island for several years, we are prepared-for the power to go out.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Snowed In...
It's been like a Winter Wonderland around here this past week. Yes, I said WEEK. I was raised in Eastern Washington, where it snowed all winter-starting sometimes with Thanksgiving day. The first snow is always exciting. Even though I am thirtysomething years of age, I still love to see the white stuff fall. It took alot of snow where I lived to cancel school though. My school district had it's own snow plow. To get to my High School, there was a hill that you had to go up, so that got plowed first. When we were in school, and it started to snow-we stayed at school until the powers to be decided to let us out early, so the buses could get us home. There were 3 buses that always got let out first: 1. The White Pass bus. 2 & 3 The Chinook Pass buses. Our school picked up kids from the White Pass Ski Resort (whose parents worked there). One year, the bus couldn't get up there, so they weren't able to come to school for 3 days. With fresh powder at the base, I'm sure thier hearts weren't too broken.
Why do I mention all of this? Because Mac went to school on Monday, and has been out of school Tues-Wed-Thurs (today) and possibly tomorrow. Mason has been out of school all week. Lucky me. It's a huge mess over here in the Seattle areas. From Olympia-all the way up to the Canadian Border in Blaine, WA it's a mess. My Mom sometimes laughs that we get 1-2 inches or less of snow, and we have a 2 hour late start or possible cancellation of school. It hardly snows this bad here in Western Washington. The last time it was this bad was 18 years ago. The news keeps reporting this fact, and I was here at the time to see it. It was my first winter in Seattle.
Being snowed it has it's advantages. I get caught up on things that I've been putting off all month. I'm cleaning my office, sorting through and organizing old photos, cleaning and going through Mason's toys and stuff, and there will be some baking. My friend Aimee is supposed to drive over here from WallaWalla, which I don't think it will happen. She has an SUV, but, it's a mess over here! We have tried to establish a tradition of Christmas Baking. We trade who goes where every other year. This year, it's her turn. And we had a bunch of activities and baking planned. When we bake, we stay up all night long dipping pretzels and other stuff in chocolate. It's a blast. So we will see what happens. I will bake regardless if she comes or not, it just won't be as much. We bake 6-8 different types of cookies, brownies, and then there are the pretzels. I also have Christmas cards to do as well. Maybe I'll start with that.
Why do I mention all of this? Because Mac went to school on Monday, and has been out of school Tues-Wed-Thurs (today) and possibly tomorrow. Mason has been out of school all week. Lucky me. It's a huge mess over here in the Seattle areas. From Olympia-all the way up to the Canadian Border in Blaine, WA it's a mess. My Mom sometimes laughs that we get 1-2 inches or less of snow, and we have a 2 hour late start or possible cancellation of school. It hardly snows this bad here in Western Washington. The last time it was this bad was 18 years ago. The news keeps reporting this fact, and I was here at the time to see it. It was my first winter in Seattle.
Being snowed it has it's advantages. I get caught up on things that I've been putting off all month. I'm cleaning my office, sorting through and organizing old photos, cleaning and going through Mason's toys and stuff, and there will be some baking. My friend Aimee is supposed to drive over here from WallaWalla, which I don't think it will happen. She has an SUV, but, it's a mess over here! We have tried to establish a tradition of Christmas Baking. We trade who goes where every other year. This year, it's her turn. And we had a bunch of activities and baking planned. When we bake, we stay up all night long dipping pretzels and other stuff in chocolate. It's a blast. So we will see what happens. I will bake regardless if she comes or not, it just won't be as much. We bake 6-8 different types of cookies, brownies, and then there are the pretzels. I also have Christmas cards to do as well. Maybe I'll start with that.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
My Christmas Playlist
I love Christmas! I love the lights that people hang up on their houses and trees. I love to go shopping, wrap presents, and listen to music. My Playlist posted on this blog is full of Christmas tunes that I have come to love. My favorite Christmas Carol is "O Holy Night". It's a beautiful song, and I love to hear someone else sing it. I couldn't find a version on Playlist that I liked well enough to post it. I know my list of songs on the blog are full of "modern" Christmas songs, but they are songs that get me all excited about Christmas, when I'm out and about, driving, or whatever.
Every Year Every Christmas- Luther Vandross This song is off of his Christmas CD "This Is Christmas. I got the CD when it came out in 1995. I love almost every song on this CD. I play it when I decorate our Christmas Tree. Lee makes fun of me when I play Luther, he knows it's Christmas when he hears it.
Do They Know It's Christmas- Band Aid I remember exactly where I was when I first heard this song. It was Christmas Day 1984, I was at my Grandma's house with my cousins, watching MTV (because we didn't have MTV at home), and like every 14 year old teenage girl in the 80's, was madly in love with rock bands. Bob Geldoff (member of the Boomtown Rats), wanted to bring attention to the famine in Africa. He wrote this song, called a few friends (Bono-U2, Duran Duran, The Police, WHAM!, Paul Young, Phil Collins, Banannarama, and many other's) to sing and record it. MTV had a special on how it was made and why. All of the proceeds went to the famine relief in Africa. I thought all of it was very cool, and I still do.
Last Christmas- Wham! Speaking of being a teenage girl in the 80's, I was madly in love with George Michael. When I was 16, I was wrapping Christmas presents in my bedroom, listening to the radio. Yakima was a smaller town than it is now, and there were only 2 good stations to listen too. This song was dedicated to me by an ex-boyfriend the night I was wrapping presents. He was an idiot...we only dated or "went out" for 2-3 months, in the summer-not "Last Christmas"! I didn't like the song for a year because of that. But then, after I saw the video a year later, I forgot about the whole ex-boyfriend thing.
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)- U2 Who doesn't like U2? This came out, again, in the 80's on a Christmas Album (because that is what it was called back in olden days) in 1987 called "A Very Special Christmas". The proceeds went to the Special Olympics. I had the cassette tape for years, until it died. Then I bought it on CD a few years ago. I still love the songs on it. On the CD there was a "bonus track" by Bon Jovi....
I Wish Everyday Could Be Like Christmas- Bon Jovi Love this song too. This was a "bonus" track on "A Very Special Christmas-One" There are now 3 I think. It's the red one. Last year, I had to go to the dentist, had a root canal. I brought my CD player with me, and I listened to this song, while I had my root canal. And oddly enough, I still like the song, despite my unpleasant experience.
All I Want For Christmas- Mariah Carey I like Mariah Carey, just no enough to own her CD's. I first heard this song on a movie "Love Actually" with Hugh Grant, and alot of other talented English actors/actresses. I really liked the movie, the soundtrack, and this song.
Believe- Josh Groban This song is off of the soundtrack for "The Polar Express", Mason's favorite Christmas movie. He calls it the Polar Express song. I took Mac and Mason to the theater near us in Seattle-when we lived there. I think Mason had just turned 2 or 3. He sat for the whole movie except the last 15 minutes of it. Lee was out of town that weekend, so I took the boys out. It was a good little memory for us. I wish the movie theaters would play this movie every Christmas, it was awesome on the big screen.
Silent Night- Josh Groban I like Josh Groban, and think he has an amazing voice. I love Silent Night as well, and think Josh does an awesome job singing it, without thrashing it like some other artists do.
Winter Wonderland- Eurythmics Another song of of "A Very Special Christmas". I have always liked this song since I was a kid, and this is my favorite version of it.
Christmas Canon- Trans Siberian Orchestra I love these guys! I love this song. I love Pachabel Canon anyway I can listen to it. I can't remember the first time I heard it. It was on the radio, and then I bought the CD. Trans Siberian Orchestra takes classical music songs, and adds Christmas songs to it, with some electric guitars thrown in the mix.
Christmas Eve Sarajevo- Trans Siberian Orchestra I was driving into Seattle the first time I heard this song on the radio, and wasn't stuck in traffic at the time. I like how it starts out soft and sweet and then builds up to something powerful. That is the only way I can describe it. My Sirrius/XM Satellite radio has a Christmas Song station. Lee was driving us somewhere in the minivan and told me Trans Siberian Orchestra was in town a few days before, AND DIDN'T TELL ME! So, we heard 3 of their songs, while we were driving in a 3 hour period. And he told me he guessed he should have gotten some tickets to we could go see them. Husband will be getting a lump of coal in his stocking this year for that.
So This is Christmas- Celine Dion I liked this song when I was alot younger, by John Lennon, before I really listened to the lyrics-we are talking 5th grade here. It's an anti war song, and I'm thinking about removing it from my playlist because I support our troops. I like Celine Dion's version. Sheryl Crow sang it at the Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting thing a few years ago, and I liked her version too.
Other songs I like that aren't on the playlist: Santa Baby, Silver Bells, Away in the Manger, The Little Drummer Boy, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Do you Hear What I Hear. I could go on all day. It snowed here last night, it's cold outside. I like the snow, I can tolerate the cold, but I'm grateful it's not like this all the time.
Every Year Every Christmas- Luther Vandross This song is off of his Christmas CD "This Is Christmas. I got the CD when it came out in 1995. I love almost every song on this CD. I play it when I decorate our Christmas Tree. Lee makes fun of me when I play Luther, he knows it's Christmas when he hears it.
Do They Know It's Christmas- Band Aid I remember exactly where I was when I first heard this song. It was Christmas Day 1984, I was at my Grandma's house with my cousins, watching MTV (because we didn't have MTV at home), and like every 14 year old teenage girl in the 80's, was madly in love with rock bands. Bob Geldoff (member of the Boomtown Rats), wanted to bring attention to the famine in Africa. He wrote this song, called a few friends (Bono-U2, Duran Duran, The Police, WHAM!, Paul Young, Phil Collins, Banannarama, and many other's) to sing and record it. MTV had a special on how it was made and why. All of the proceeds went to the famine relief in Africa. I thought all of it was very cool, and I still do.
Last Christmas- Wham! Speaking of being a teenage girl in the 80's, I was madly in love with George Michael. When I was 16, I was wrapping Christmas presents in my bedroom, listening to the radio. Yakima was a smaller town than it is now, and there were only 2 good stations to listen too. This song was dedicated to me by an ex-boyfriend the night I was wrapping presents. He was an idiot...we only dated or "went out" for 2-3 months, in the summer-not "Last Christmas"! I didn't like the song for a year because of that. But then, after I saw the video a year later, I forgot about the whole ex-boyfriend thing.
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)- U2 Who doesn't like U2? This came out, again, in the 80's on a Christmas Album (because that is what it was called back in olden days) in 1987 called "A Very Special Christmas". The proceeds went to the Special Olympics. I had the cassette tape for years, until it died. Then I bought it on CD a few years ago. I still love the songs on it. On the CD there was a "bonus track" by Bon Jovi....
I Wish Everyday Could Be Like Christmas- Bon Jovi Love this song too. This was a "bonus" track on "A Very Special Christmas-One" There are now 3 I think. It's the red one. Last year, I had to go to the dentist, had a root canal. I brought my CD player with me, and I listened to this song, while I had my root canal. And oddly enough, I still like the song, despite my unpleasant experience.
All I Want For Christmas- Mariah Carey I like Mariah Carey, just no enough to own her CD's. I first heard this song on a movie "Love Actually" with Hugh Grant, and alot of other talented English actors/actresses. I really liked the movie, the soundtrack, and this song.
Believe- Josh Groban This song is off of the soundtrack for "The Polar Express", Mason's favorite Christmas movie. He calls it the Polar Express song. I took Mac and Mason to the theater near us in Seattle-when we lived there. I think Mason had just turned 2 or 3. He sat for the whole movie except the last 15 minutes of it. Lee was out of town that weekend, so I took the boys out. It was a good little memory for us. I wish the movie theaters would play this movie every Christmas, it was awesome on the big screen.
Silent Night- Josh Groban I like Josh Groban, and think he has an amazing voice. I love Silent Night as well, and think Josh does an awesome job singing it, without thrashing it like some other artists do.
Winter Wonderland- Eurythmics Another song of of "A Very Special Christmas". I have always liked this song since I was a kid, and this is my favorite version of it.
Christmas Canon- Trans Siberian Orchestra I love these guys! I love this song. I love Pachabel Canon anyway I can listen to it. I can't remember the first time I heard it. It was on the radio, and then I bought the CD. Trans Siberian Orchestra takes classical music songs, and adds Christmas songs to it, with some electric guitars thrown in the mix.
Christmas Eve Sarajevo- Trans Siberian Orchestra I was driving into Seattle the first time I heard this song on the radio, and wasn't stuck in traffic at the time. I like how it starts out soft and sweet and then builds up to something powerful. That is the only way I can describe it. My Sirrius/XM Satellite radio has a Christmas Song station. Lee was driving us somewhere in the minivan and told me Trans Siberian Orchestra was in town a few days before, AND DIDN'T TELL ME! So, we heard 3 of their songs, while we were driving in a 3 hour period. And he told me he guessed he should have gotten some tickets to we could go see them. Husband will be getting a lump of coal in his stocking this year for that.
So This is Christmas- Celine Dion I liked this song when I was alot younger, by John Lennon, before I really listened to the lyrics-we are talking 5th grade here. It's an anti war song, and I'm thinking about removing it from my playlist because I support our troops. I like Celine Dion's version. Sheryl Crow sang it at the Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting thing a few years ago, and I liked her version too.
Other songs I like that aren't on the playlist: Santa Baby, Silver Bells, Away in the Manger, The Little Drummer Boy, Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Do you Hear What I Hear. I could go on all day. It snowed here last night, it's cold outside. I like the snow, I can tolerate the cold, but I'm grateful it's not like this all the time.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Happy 7th Birthday Mason! 7 Things We Love About You.
Sorry this post is 2 days late. It took me a few days to gather my thoughts, and not get too emotional. You had such a rough start when you were born. I have been recently been sorting through our family pictures, and when I come across a baby pictures of you-it makes me happy that you have overcome so much. You are now a normal kid, who happens to have a medical chart at Childrens Hospital that is more than 5 inches thick. Looking at you, no one would ever know. You have taught me to have patience and that anything is possible. I am so proud of you!
Happy Birthday Mason!
Happy Birthday Mason!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Oh, Christmas Tree & other stuff
Our Christmas Tree, is fake. I've come to terms with it over the years. I was raised with an artificial tree. I buy tree smelling candles to make it smell like we have a real tree in the house. We have white lights on the tree. I have full control of the big tree. I assemble the tree, I put the lights on, and I use to hang 95% of the ornaments-but I have relinquished some control. Mac and Lee have piped up over the last 3 years on the color of the lights. They want colored lights. I tell them "too bad". So I have compromised.
Our little tree that we have downstairs. The boys have FULL control over thier tree. I assemble it, put the colored lights on it. They decorate it. The whole thing. I don't even rearrange the ornaments afterwards. It has some John Deere ornaments, Sponge Bob Square Pants ornaments, a Kasey Kahne (NASCAR driver-also Lee's cousin) ornament. Some small colored ball ones (that do break). Last year was the first year we had it up. They had some colored lights on it last year. This year-I bought them LED colored. I admit-it's a cooly lit little tree.
This is Mason's favorite decoration. I think I bought it last year. It was on sale, and Mason HAD to have this Plastic Snow Globe. It's huge. It plays annoying Christmas music with the press of a button. Snow blows in it everywhere. He loves it. The good thing about it, the batteries don't last long. All good things must come to an end. Until the Dad pulls out some batteries from who knows where, and fixes it for him.

The other stuff. Mac has an e-mail address. If you e-mail me, I will e-mail you with his address. This is a picture of him checking to see of he got any mail from anyone. Nope, not yet. It pained me to watch him type in his e-mail address and password. I think it took him 5 minutes to type it in. I'm a mean, mean Mom for typing that. But, it's the truth. Typing and computer skills are something he will be working on this year.
The other stuff. Mac has an e-mail address. If you e-mail me, I will e-mail you with his address. This is a picture of him checking to see of he got any mail from anyone. Nope, not yet. It pained me to watch him type in his e-mail address and password. I think it took him 5 minutes to type it in. I'm a mean, mean Mom for typing that. But, it's the truth. Typing and computer skills are something he will be working on this year.
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