Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What I Should Be Doing Right Now

Happy Belated Mother's Day to all my mommy friends. I'm not going to write anything about Mother's Day, because it was uneventful. I got 2 lovely cards from my 2 boys and my husband. And that's it. They love me, and are grateful that I'm here to do their laundry, make dinner, bake cookies, change lightbulbs, clean our house, help with homework, drag them to Costco, Target, and wherever else I need to go, and take them places like the Pacific Science Center.
There are so many things that I need to be doing now, besides, sitting at my computer. It's been a busy day. Took Mason in to have his pictures taken-professionally. The last time I took him in, he was 8-9 months old and was still had to have oxygen. He was a happy little guy, dispite all his health problems. The girl taking the pictures was a little nervous about taking his picture (what do we do with the oxygen tank, etc). I told her I was going to take the little tube out of his nose, she was going to take a few snapshots and then I would put it back in. It worked out great, he was fine doing that (he could tolerate being without his oxygen 2-3 minutes at a time before his oxygen saturations would go down), and we had cute pictures taken. Today, 6 years later-he was a total ham. He did EVERYTHING the photo girl told him to do, he smiled, showed his teeth, counted everything he saw, and asked alot of questions.
So, dishes need to be done, dinner needs to be started, floors need to be swept (and vaccumed), a Scout shirt needs to be ironed. And what am I doing? Sitting at the computer, only to check my e-mails-one thing leads to the next, and I felt the need to write something about nothing on my blog. Because it feels neglected.


An Ordinary Mom said...

Happy Mother's Day! And write away on your blog whenever you feel the urge.

Jessica Chalmers said...

Sounds familiar. I am going to link you to my blog. I will check often and am excited that I can keep up with family on the west coast! Love, Junz

Becky said...

Yah! I'm so glad to see you. Mason's pictures were so cute, he is getting so big.

Unknown said...

I loved Mason's pics. He is a little mini-Lee, and I can't get over how grown up he is.

Happy Mother's Day to you too!